Pest/Termite/WDO Inspections for New and Existing Homes
Pest/WDO Inspections, also referred to as Termite Inspections in the mortgage industry, are required for FHA/VA loan programs. Read more about these pest inspections and how they prevent further damage to your home below.
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Two Types of Pest Inspections Explained
On one hand, there’s the complete inspection for real estate transactions; this is the report that will be required for a HUD loan or required by the lender. When you choose Summit to Sound, the entire home will be inspected for WDOs and conducive conditions, such as points of entry and the house’s potential to foster the insects, including termites.
The second type of inspection is performed when a pesticide treatment is needed on a property. The inspector or pest management company will look at a specific location rather than the whole home, minimizing the cost to you and ensuring the pests are weeded out.