Our Standards
Strict Washington Guidelines for home inspections
We follow strict Washington State guidelines for our home inspections and reporting, with digital pictures of the following:
- Landscape, Grading, Drainage, Driveway, Patio, Deck, Porch
- Roof, Chimney, Flashing, Valleys, Gutters & Downspouts
- Siding, Trim, Windows & Doors
- Heating and Cooling System
- Structural Integrity
- Kitchen & Built in Appliances
- Interior Floors, Ceilings and Walls
- Laundry Room
- Bathrooms
- Foundation and Crawlspace
- Attic and Ventilation
- Electrical and Plumbing Systems
- Attached Carports and Garages

HomeGauge Home Inspection Reporting Software
We utilize HomeGauge, a home inspection reporting software that delivers easily readable reports that are emailed directly to you. As a courtesy, these reports can also be found online at any time after your inspection has been completed so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of the paperwork.
At Summit to Sound, we want to make sure your experience with us is easy and streamlined so you can have your home inspected and be on your way.